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Our LocationShivajinagar, Pune, Maharashtra

Welcome To Department of Information Technology MCOE Pune

Our mission is To develop proficient IT engineers for the Industry and Society.

Professional Education & Knowledge

Achieving academic excellence since 2006.

To encourage research and Innovation.

On a mission to develop skilled IT professionals.

About IT Department


The Information Technology department of P.E.S's Modern College of Engineering, Pune started in 2006 with an intake capacity of 60 students. This later increased to 120 from the year 2011-2012.

The Department has made rapid strides as department of excellence for providing modern technical education intensive and meaningful teaching methods as well as regular inputs from practicing corporate. To built-up individual initiative, creativity, talent, leadership and the capability to adopt new Technology the Department encourage the student and staff member to participate and organized the on regular basis seminar, work-shop and many other short-term courses. Our endeavor is to inculcate a desire for continuous improvement, a sense of healthy competition and sensitivity towards ethical and moral values. The IT department is dedicated to uphold the following objectives: To develop conceptual and analytical skills in all functional areas of Information Technology, provide platform of high academic excellence to all students, encourage understanding of the strategic perceptions of the fast changing global scenario, develop the ability to understand and apply a multi-dimensional approach to achieve the overall mission of the organization and impart ethical and moral values for social well-being.



Engineers are not born, they are made. We are indeed living in in-formation technology (IT) age. Our commitment to the students is that they will definitely honour two words “INFORMATION” with “TECHNOLOGY”. Department’s primary objective is to ensure good academic environment for all the students. With bright academic, students can excel with excellence in their professional career. Department is carrying out number of activities which will shape the professional career of the student as a technocrat/techno manager.


Our Vision

To develop proficient IT engineers for the Industry and Society.

Our Mission

To achieve academic excellence.
To develop students for being competent in dynamic IT environment.
To encourage research and innovation.
To inculcate moral and professional ethics.

Latest News And Achievements



Bitwise Campus Drive

Vivamus volutpat eros pulvinar velit laoreet, sit amet egestas erat dignissim. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio



Poster Painting Competition

Ms. Nikita D. Kolambe won first price in Poster Painting Competition held on 10 August, 2019 at IT Dept.



Session on Web Development

A student organized session on web development technologies under IT-Departments appclub held on 08 August, 2019.

Recently Placed



CTC Offred : 7.45

Company Name : google



CTC Offred : 4.45

Company Name : Infosys



CTC Offred : 7.45

Company Name : XYZ



CTC Offred : 2.34

Company Name : kll

Upcoming Events

05 June 2018 12.00-5.00PM

Mpulse Iginte

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

05 June 2018 12.00-5.00PM

Mpulse Iginte

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt

05 June 2018 12.00-5.00PM

Mpulse Iginte

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipi sicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt